Episode 178 SSK Recap
This episode was recorded on my back porch as the weather today is glorious—sunny and cool at 70 Deg F. There are ambient noises with bird song (lots of House Wren trilling) and wind in the trees. If this bothers you just know it is not my normal recording environment.
SSK in Nashville is an event hosted by The Knit Girllls, Laura and Leslie. I had a great time and in this episode I share some of my experiences with you.
Sister Bay is my new design published by Quince & Co. It a cousin to Piper’s Journey: a crescent shawl also in Quince & Co Chickadee, but this time in two colors. The applied border of texture and lace is knitted on as an applied border. You can find Sister Bay at Quince & Co here or on Ravelry. A Knit Along with Sister Bay starts on July 20th or whenever you like. Prizes will be drawn on September 1, 2014. Details are here and on the show blog.
Kindly sponsored by Quince & Co and my Longaberger Home Business.
Show notes are found at www.knittingpipeline.com.