www.knittingpipeline.com for complete show notes.
Quince & Co offers a line of thoughtfully conceived yarns spun from American wool. Thank you to Quince & Co for sponsoring the podcast.
Enjoy 20% off Longaberger pottery through April 30th on my web site www.longaberger.com/paula
Three Bags Full is donating a Pink Daffodil Project Bag for this episode. Leave a comment on the show blog to enter the drawing. Comments entered by noon Central USA time on April 28th will be eligible. I announced the winner for last week's drawing.
Happy John Muir Day and Earth Day. The documentary John Muir in the New World can be seen on the PBS site.
Needle Notes: I finished Clockwork by Stephen West of Westknits. Great project using yarn from The Woolen Rabbit. I also completed the finishing work on the Norwegian Setesdal Sweater including a woolen fabric label.
Estelle Cardigan KAL Join us starting May 1 for this Knit Along using the Estelle Cardigan pattern by Melissa LaBarre. It's time to swatch to figure out what needle size to use for your project. I give tips for swatching.
Thank you to Emily Bond for designing a new logo for the podcast! The bird is called "Piper". Piper may have some things to say in future episodes. Contact Emily on Ravelry as emmylucille.
Book Notes: One Skein Sock Wonders edited by Judith Durant. 5 star except for the last chapter which is a good laugh.
Music by Lydia McCauley from Quieting. Every Bug, Every Bee, Every Breath. Enjoy the peepers in the tune.