The Tele Style Shirt Is Available For March Only Index0:00 Thank you to the friends that make this happen!1:50 Should I take out the circuit board in my Gibson or leave it?3:48 What Tele pick ups do I use?4:56 Thoughts on Fanned Fret guitars?6:00 Thoughts on Fargen amps?6:38 Disabled Veteran starting a Boutique Pedal companyI have sent them a email7:34 What sub $600 100 watt head would I recommend?9:03 Should I get a HD500 Line 6 to figure out all the sounds out there?11:42 Chapman Guitar is now in Guitar Center, What Does it mean?Im going to buy one18:29 Thoughts on Richlite fretboards?20:56 Amp that can do funk and slash?21:23 First impression of my Marshall DSL 1 watt24:07 Thoughts on Guitar Center Mitchells guitars?25:58 Best Low Priced Yamaha Acoustic? We go and look!29:14 Chapman and Kiesel are growing and it is for a reason30:40 Why is the Fender vaporizer amp only in Europe?31:11 Would I demo a Peavey Invective?I counted Kevin to work it out32:57 Thoughts on the ESP EII Eclipse?34:14 Is there a way to get rid of the fizz in a 65 Princeton?35:28 Slash Anaconda Update from last week36:29 heritage guitars lets go of their employees Why is Fender one of the few companies who embraced making guitars in Mexico?44:30 Did I get to keep any of the Fender pedals? Why I love them49:30 2007 Standard Strat for $350, Is it a good deal?52:22 Best locking keys for Epiphone Sg?55:39 Do I like Digital or Analog reverb?58:08 We buy a Chapman Guitar at Guitar Center! 1:08:52 Do you have to break in a reverb tank like a speaker?1:09:30 What pick do I use?1:10:33 Tele Style T shirts are now available for the month of March