RC recalls how he was intrigued by extreme weather events, and was introduced to the listing of catastrophism references amassed by Charles Hapgood in his book Path of the Pole. Then he reads thru an extensive listing of weather disasters over the past 500 years, countering the narrative that current storms are unprecedented. Other misrepresentations of the facts and data include the “hockey stick graph” fraudulently peddled by Gore and the IPCC, and UNEP spokespeople that made overblown propagandized forecasts. RC also introduces Urban Heat Islands for the next episode… Kosmographia Ep090 The Randall Carlson Podcast with Brothers of the Serpent – Kyle and Russ, Normal Guy Mike, and GeocosmicREX admin Bradley, from 9/05/22.
In the name of liberty and freedom, we are moving this podcast to our new partner platform! Please join us here: https://www.howtube.com/channels/RandallCarlson
Austrian climate researcher video: https://youtube.com/watch?v=TFx6Af3ZaVc
Kosmographia Podcast Episode #58 re: Hurricane Camille effects: https://howtube.com/10897
Announcements about events and tours: https://randallcarlson.com/tours-and-events/
RC’s monthly updates on science news and his activities: https://randallcarlson.com/newsletter
Mysterious Origins of Halloween and the Ancient Day of the Dead Festivals (Video on Demand $18) https://www.howtube.com/Dh4nrIFWkiSc?f=yt
Sacred Geometry introductory workshop (Video on Demand $72) https://howtube.com/SGwithRC
Plato’s Atlantis – 7 hours of deep-dive (Video on Demand $33) https://www.howtube.com/12513
Cool and fun Kosmographia and RC gear: https://randallcarlson.com/shop
New university/village “Sanctuary Project” : https://project.randallcarlson.com
Contact at the Cataracts May ’23 https://contactatthecabin.com/scablands-with-randall-carlson/
Randall with Rogan ep1772 https://open.spotify.com/episode/190slemJsUXH5pEYR6DUbf
Full listing of scientific papers about the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis: https://cosmictusk.com
CBD RECOMMENDED - Listen to Randall’s experience with “CBD from the gods” after the mid-break at 1:02:21. They have some special deals going on right now, and in addition, for the Kosmographia audience - you can also get FREE shipping on your order! Use code: “RCshipsFREE” (not case sensitive) when you check out at https://www.cbdfromthegods.com
Support Randall Carlson's efforts to discover and share pivotal paradigm-shifting information! Improve the quality of the podcast and future videos. Allow him more time for his research into the many scientific journals, books, and his expeditions into the field, as he continues to decipher the clues that explain the mysteries of our past, and prepare us for the future...
Contribute to RC thru howtube: https://www.howtube.com/channels/RandallCarlson#tab_donate
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http://www.RandallCarlson.com has the podcast, RC’s blog, galleries, and products to purchase!
T-shirts and many new products and styles here: https://randallcarlson.com/shop/
Podcast crew email: [email protected]
Info on upcoming trips with Randall and the crew: [email protected]
Offer your time/services/accommodations here: [email protected]
Add to the expanding library of evidence here: [email protected]
Specific questions may get answered online: [email protected]
Small class lectures "Cosmography 101" from '06-'09 on Brad's original channel: https://youtube.com/geocosmicrex
Kosmographia logo and design animation by Brothers of the Serpent. Check out their podcast: http://www.BrothersoftheSerpent.com/
Theme “Deos” and bumper music by Fifty Dollar Dynasty: http://www.FiftyDollarDynasty.net/
Video recording, editing and publishing by Bradley Young with YSI Productions LLC (copyrights), with audio mastered by Kyle Allen and Chris James.
CBD FROM THE GODS LINK: http://www.cbdfromthegods.com COUPON CODE: RCshipsFREE