In this KubeFM episode, Harsha explores the intricacies of Kubernetes security, focusing on the benefits and misconceptions of Distroless container images and the broader aspects of container security.
You will learn:
The advantages and limitations of Distroless container images: understand why these images are smaller, have a reduced attack surface and are not inherently secure.
Best practices for container security: gain insights into selecting base images, managing dependencies, and fortifying your infrastructure at every layer.
Supply chain security: explore how the supply chain can be an attack vector and the importance of signing artifacts and validating sources.
Emerging Kubernetes tools and future projects: discover the latest tools Harsha is monitoring and get a sneak peek into his upcoming projects, including a new podcast and a tool for simulating multistage attacks in cloud-native environments.
This episode is sponsored by Learnk8s — estimate the perfect cluster node with the Kubernetes Instance Calculator
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