One of the nicest guys in Micro-FPV, Eekmin started dabbling in drones about 6 years ago and recently went all-in on micro full-sends and amazing custom builds. He's been busy buying his first house along the way and the future looks to certainly include a Nick-Burns-like indoor race-style course, as well as a ton of micro-freestyle around the yard when the winter thaws! Eeekmin takes us through the tips and tricks he's learned along the way in building and flying, talks about how friends and dromies influence his love of FPV and even offers to help the newbs or anyone stuck on the technical side of the hobby. What a guy! He is the first to answer a new "Season 2" Brain3D 20-questions challenge- it will hopefully be the first of many that connect the stars in the micro-FPV Kwadverse!
Thank you to our Sponsors, and Thank you to Samuel Goodrich, "@manatufpv" for the amazing INTRO/OUTRO music he designed for the Kwadverse podcast. Feel free to DM him @manatufpv (Instagram) if you need some ripping tunes for your podcast or socials!
Thank you Infinity Loops for the logo placement on Livestream Opener Screens! The supports means the world to Kwadverse! Make sure to be a subscriber and supporter of Infinity Loops!