Winner of the FPTV 2022 Rippies, Best Micro Quad Rip, JayFPV aka Mr. Mandaloooo tells us how it all came together for the win! He also shares how his journey began along the side of Sean the Don and how the FPTV crew has been there for each other, celebrating wins and losses while always keeping it "Familia." You'll hear how he navigates flying in the close quarters of Queens, NYC, how to get a very decent start in micro-FPV for around $200-$300 and if you don't already know, what it means to, "Mandalooooo to the Moon!" Enjoy the Brain3d 20 Questions with Jay and catch his infectious positive vibes. It's like sitting on the fire escape with your brother from another mother and reliving the highs and lows of an FPV pilot's life.
Thank you to our Sponsors, and Thank you to Samuel Goodrich, "@manatufpv" for the amazing INTRO/OUTRO music he designed for the Kwadverse podcast. Feel free to DM him @manatufpv (Instagram) if you need some ripping tunes for your podcast or socials!
Thank you Infinity Loops for the logo placement on Livestream Opener Screens! The supports means the world to Kwadverse! Make sure to be a subscriber and supporter of Infinity Loops!