From my introduction to for premium micro-FPV specific hardware, to the maiden flight of my MaiKuro1, I FINALLY present this episode as a deeper dive into the mind of this frame-designer and micro-FPV enthusiast. MtnMicro takes us deep into his perfectly balanced designs, as well into the process of creating and sourcing the most amazing premium hardware out there for building your tiny whoops and micros. MtnMicro shares his upcoming frame release, the Kitsune, as well as some advice for the perfect custom micro-FPV build! I'm so excited for this episode! MtnMicro takes on the Brain3D 20 questions as well, so strap your lipos on toilet-tank style and full send this episode!
Thank you to our Sponsors, and Thank you to Samuel Goodrich, "@manatufpv" for the amazing INTRO/OUTRO music he designed for the Kwadverse podcast. Feel free to DM him @manatufpv (Instagram) if you need some ripping tunes for your podcast or socials!
Thank you Infinity Loops for the logo placement on Livestream Opener Screens! The supports means the world to Kwadverse! Make sure to be a subscriber and supporter of Infinity Loops!