The Kwadverse is a glimpse into the world of FPV from the minds and hearts of some of the most experienced pilots, builders and companies in the FPV quadcopter community. Each episode will welcome a new guest, as we glimpse into the lives, minds and workbenches of some of the most interesting micro quad FPV pilots. Every month we'll feature new pilots, new content and a really fun 20 Questions segment with a monthly giveaway sponsored by .
Thank you to our Sponsors, and Thank you to Samuel Goodrich, "@manatufpv" for the amazing INTRO/OUTRO music he designed for the Kwadverse podcast. Feel free to DM him @manatufpv (Instagram) if you need some ripping tunes for your podcast or socials!
Thank you Infinity Loops for the logo placement on Livestream Opener Screens! The supports means the world to Kwadverse! Make sure to be a subscriber and supporter of Infinity Loops!