KCCCC Season 002, Episode 18
Kyle invites author Maureen Ulrich onto the show to continue KCCCC's series on the worst movies to win the Oscar for best picture, with Ridley Scott's Gladiator. A bland fantasy novel masquerading as historical epic.
Maureen is the author of the Jessie Mac Hockey Series (Power Plays, Face Off and Break Away). You can find them physically on Amazon and as E-Books on Kindle and Kobo.
Maureen's Website: https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.maureenulrich.ca%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2XnGz7Pgu79mMzQSUXh6mBUi3B7LDlod-ZGmxRwk1xz0DUpgvXqSHDAqI&h=AT1jXvWqrrvgHw8sUuAVk5BDSLowZ5H6HzPVxAPkhCIKBeuGbvVh9hUOt7f2T9QROOyG6v48Z8I-Rbbqel4F-uaOQGP9H0XOOQZWuTXIV9niqd7VV9u8zTJwWDmtjUulFplo5Q
Logo by friend of the cast Victoria Koops.