La Mentalité Verte – The Eco-Mindset
In this conversation, Alex Tyrrell and Maxim Baru discuss the current state of labor organizing in Montreal, emphasizing the importance of unionization for workers across various sectors. They explore the unique cultural and legal advantages of unionizing in Quebec, the challenges faced by new unions, and the role of grassroots initiatives like the General Union Project. The discussion also touches on the environmental implications of unionization, the decline of private sector unions, and the urgent need for stronger worker protections in the face of rising living costs. Ultimately, they highlight the growing momentum for labor organizing and the potential for transformative social change.
To follow Maxim Baru:
To inquire about unionizing you work place with The General Union
"It's about harnessing the power of the people."
"Unions are not just about getting higher wages."
"The culture of solidarity is strong in Quebec."
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Cet épisode de podcast est produit par le Parti Vert du Québec. Nous choisissons des invités dont le travail résonne avec les valeurs, la plateforme et l'idéologie du parti. La présence d'un invité sur le podcast n'implique pas un soutien partisan au Parti Vert du Québec.
This podcast episode is produced by the Green Party of Quebec. We choose guests whose work resonates with the party's values, platform and ideology. A guest's appearance on the podcast does not imply partisan support for the Green Party of Quebec.