Whether you have a green thumb or not, the seeds of faith are planted within you. Jesus spreads the seeds throughout the world, and while there are soils that are not hearty for it, or whether a bird picks up the seed and takes it away, it will still grow.
In this scenario we are the soil, but we are also the Gardner. We need to tend to our faith in order for it to grow. But the good news is, God is the ultimate Gardner. God is helping the seeds that have been planted within us to grow. The fruits and the harvest of our life will be good as we tend it with God.
Faith is a verb, it is something that we - as Christians - will always be doing, and always be tending. We take the seeds planted by God within us and create our harvest. Whatever it is that we focus on, that is what will flourish. And it's only human for us to not always be focusing on the right things. But that's where God steps in to help us with our harvest. Take some time this week to tend to your harvest, and try to focus on God and your relationship with God.