Center your hearts and minds for the week ahead by listening to the stories of the women who walked alongside Christ in his final days.
Text written by Rev Kelsey Beebe
About Emily Labreque
Rev. Emily Labrecque currently serves as the Missioner for Church Revitalization at the Episcopal Diocese of Washington (DC). She is a member at Christ Congregational Church (UCC) in Silver Spring, MD and lives in DC with her 4 year old twins. When not working or chasing her kids, she can be found exercising with the Queer Gym, exploring the National Arboretum, or binging the latest TV dramedy.
About Nicole Sippel
Nicole Sippel is a flower farmer living the dream in what is known as the "Holyland" of Wisconsin, a cluster of tiny rural towns named after saints (St. Cloud, St. Ann, St. Joe, St. Peter, Marytown, Johnsburg)surrounding St. Lawrence Seminary. She is proud of raising her family through her Catholic roots in a progressive way. She prays that you have a truly blessed Holy Week this year, and can look forward to the joyous Easter Season with your loved ones.