On this weeks episode Matt and Aviv view and review season 3 episode 16 - Popular! The guys give their thoughts on a whole bunch of stuff that happened while Aviv was out of the country (which now feels like decades ago), including Aviv's thoughts on the Mooch, the departure of spicer and preibus, and give their thoughts on the events of Charlottesville (remember when that happened guys!?) Aviv also brings up the pro Trump march and the Juggalo march that took place in D.C. The guys dive into the mailbag and read a negative itunes review, and in the sake of fairness the guys read it on the air (Matt then jokingly becomes mildly unhinged as a result). The guys disagree over how nuts this episode is and discuss how everyone in this weeks episode saying this girl might get a complext is going to result in the girl getting complex. All this and much more!
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