Today, I am sharing 3 inspiring stories of women who overcame all odds and healed themselves naturally. The power of the mind is truly incredible and these women break down what they did to overcome debilitating illnesses.
Josette Tkacik is a Quantum Mystic/Teacher that naturally healed herself from RA. She is a top Zumba instructor, and the #1 author on Hear her journey on how she naturally healed her body becoming known as a medical miracle. Connect with Josette on Instagram @josettetkacik and check out her website HERE.
Sandy Kruse is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and host of the Sandy K Nutrition - Health & Lifestyle Queen. We discuss the mind-body connection, biohacks, aging well, and more. Connect with Sandy on Instagram @sandyknutrition.
Tara Munjekovich is a member of the Inner Tribe. She shares her story of maintaining gratitude during a difficult time concerning her health. Her story is incredibly inspiring and reassuring. Follow Tara on Instagram @bluefirefly13.
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