Today’s lesson was the introduction to the series of lessons taking place regarding the foundational hadeeth
“Whomsoever Allah wants Good for He gives him Understanding of the Religion”.
The explanation being used is of the Imam, Shaykh Rabee ibn Haadi Al-Madkhalee (hafidhahullah).
Covered by Ustadh Abdul Hakeem Mitchell in this first lesson were the following points;
• The underlying reasons and importance of selecting this hadeeth to be explained.
• The virtue and importance of knowledge.
• An explanation of the statement of ibnul Qayyim regarding the 3 affairs which are linked to true happiness - and their relation to knowledge.
• The virtue of the Scholars and their level of Taqwa and khashya (reverent fear) corresponds to their knowledge and action upon it.
• Link between Taqwa and Khashya.
• Further benefits shared from Ibn Rajab (rahimahullah), Shaykh Ubayd al-Jaabiree and Shaykh Abdullah ibn Abdur-Raheem Al-Bukhaari (hafidahumullah).
Recorded at The Salafi Centre of Manchester on 10/1/20 and streamed live on SunnahRadio.Net