Ustadh covered in thsi lesson the different types of actions of Ibaadah,
From them is Du’aa, which is one of the best forms of it
It is divided into two types
- Duaa of Ibaadah
Turning to only Allāh in praise
With your wealth, your body, or a combination of the two
A person cannot be upon Tawheed except that they free themselves from Shirk (and its people), which is its opposite (small or large in amount)
Just as one loves the Truth, one must hate Evil
Unlike the Ahmadiyya, who state that there should be “love of all, hatred for none”, we must hate both the sin and the sinner
- Second typye of dua is dua of Asking
Asking Allāh to fulfil your needs in Deen and/or Dunya
Asking for him to remove hardship from your life
When a person seeks something from Allāh, then this is seen as ‘Ibaadah, therefore it cannot be directed to other than Allāh, as that would be to associate partners with Him
An affair/action that can only be fulfilled by Allāh
Seeking from the creation that which is within their ability is not Haraam
Imaan is belief in the heart, statement upon the tongue, and action of the limbs
It increases with obedience to Allāh, and decreases with disobedience of Him, which is obedience of Shaytaan
Fearing Allāh is attached to your Imaan
Ayah “Do not fear them but fear Me”
This Fear must be alongside Hope and Love
Fear is made up of 3 categories
1. Fear of Shirk
1. The callers to Shirk utilise Fear to call people to Shirk, which nullifies Tawheed
2. Fear of People
1. Leaving off the obligatory acts of worship out of fear of people is Major Shirk. Within it is raising other than Allāh by directing a portion of worship to other than Allāh
2. Minor Shirk can lead to Minor Shirk
3. Natural Fear
1. Fear of predators, enemies, etc.
2. Not blameworthy
Next week: Different forms of Ibaadah