The Book of Holding Fast to the Book and the Sunnah – from Sahih Bukhari. Explanation of Shaykh Rabee.
Taught by Ustaadh Abdulhakeem Mitchell, Graduate of the Islamic University of Madinah.
- Brief biography of Imaam Zuhree (ibn Shihaab), narrator of the hadith
- Brief biography of Anas ibn Maalik (may Allah be pleased with him)
- Who are the mukthiroon of the companions (narrated the most)
- How many of those did Imaam Zuhree meet?
- Detailed discussion on the importance of holding onto the of Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the prophet and the narrations indicating this.
- What do we say to those who say we have to change with the times?
- What are the 3 things that can cause the servant to go astray?
o Hawaa (desires)
o Nafs (soul)
o Shaitaan and his whisperings
- The steps that shaitaan takes to lead people astray (as mentioned by Imam ibn Qayyim?
o First, calling the people to shirk and kufr
o Second, if the above fails, calling to bid’ah
o Third, calling to major sins
o Fourth, calling to minor sins
o Fifth, to engage one self and become attached in the dunya
o Sixth, busy oneself with something that is of lesser benefit
- The importance of combining between memorization and understanding.
Lessons will be every week on Tuesday around 7 pm.
Workbooks are available from and Salafi Bookstore Manchester.
Recorded and Streamed by LearnAboutIslam on 17/9/24 in South Manchester.