Lesson 2 – Studying the book of Sunnah from Sunan Abi Dawood
This lesson is a continuation of the previous series - soundcloud.com/learnaboutislam/sets/selected-ahadeeth-from-kitaab
Shaykh Ubayd mentions 7 benefits:
1. The obligation of returning to the sunnah as it is a revelation from Allah
2. To seek to suffice only with the Sunnah
3. Actions can not be righteous except if two conditions are met: sincerity to Allah alone and that is in accordance with the Sunnah
4. Refutation of whoever opposes the text, even if he is a a great scholar
5. Sticking to the guidance of the rightly guided caliphs
6. The prohibition of overburdening oneself
7. The obligation of honouring the guests
The narration of Irbaad:
- It is a sign of prophethood that the messenger told us of the splitting that will occur
- This splitting is a prohibited matters
- What are the two types of Qadar?
Recorded at the Salafi Centre of Manchester on 23/08/2019 and streamed live on www.SunnahRadio.Net