This the second in a series of 3 lectures based on a highly beneficial treatise by Shaykh Rabee ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee.
Ustaadh Abdulilah discusses a number of the obstacles to seeking knowledge.
- The importance of sincerity
- Dangers of arrogance in seeking knowledge
- How the Salaf used to travel for knowledge (even when they were scholars)
- Those who disconnected themselves from the scholars deviated afterwards
- Those who disconnected themselves from the scholars deviated afterwards
- Outside of the lesson you should read up on it too. Reading is important
- The more one studies the more he realises his ignorance
- Love for leadership and the is an obstacle to seeking knowledge
- Trials and tribulations can be obstacles to seeking knowledge
- The time of the scholars is blessed. Shaykh Ubayd Al-Jaabiree published 6 books last year. Some are multiple volumes.
- The scholars know the fitnah before it occurs whereas the common people only realise it after it has occured.
- Shaytaan comes to an individual with doubts and desires. How does one overcome them?
Recorded at The Salafi Centre of Manchester on 25/1/20 and streamed live on SunnahRadio.Net