Main points explained regarding lesson 2 of Aqeedah Ar-Raaziyain. By our Teacher Abu AbdirRahmaan Uways At-Taweel Allaah preserve him.
It includes:
• The Benefits from the introduction and the statement of Ibn Abi Haatim -Allaah be pleased with him where he said:" I asked my father [Abu Haatim] and his uncle [Abu Zur'ah] regarding the methodology of Ahlu sunnah in the fundamentals of the deen and that which they [both] have received from the ulema [scholars] from various vicinity and areas and also for [both of] them to add to that [methodolgy] from their beliefs regarding the fundamentals of the deen.":
1. He laid down the foundation regarding seeking knowledge. How do we take knowledge and that is to take knowledge from the scholars.
2. The benefit of taking our Aqeedah [Fundamental beliefs in Al islam] from the pious predecessors.
3. The importance of parents being upon the correct beliefs and methodology.
4. Also, from the benefit of the introduction is that it stresses the importance of scholars upon the sunnah, returning to them and seeking ilm [Knowledge] from them, That from the major reasons of misguidaince is abstinence seeking knowledge from the correct source, the scholars of sunnah and dependence of individual's intellect.
5. The introduction also stressed the importance of travelling to seek knowledge from the scholars upon sunnah as much as one could, and it is from the way of our scholars.
• Explanation of the First principle [Al Eemaan] which entails four entities and the refutation of those groups that oppose these principle and it's enfities from the deviant sects. The four entities of Al Eemaan. That it is:
1. The statement of the tongue: like the shahaadah [testimony of faith]. For the one that has the ability to speak.
2. The belief in the heart [that is to have certainty about that which you say and profess].
3. Actions of the limbs: Like praying, fasting and seeking knowledge etc.
4. And that It increases with obedience of Allaah and decrease with the disobedience of Allaah.