A series of beneficial Questions and Answers with Shaykh Rabee ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee
Q.1 Can It be understood that the one whom Allah does not want good for, he does not give him understanding of the religion?
Q2. I have studied under one of the students of knowledge and mastered it. If I hide, I fear of becoming like those who hide knowledge. And if I teach in the masjid, I fear that I become of those who teach but have not reached the level of the scholars. What is your advice?
Q3. In these times, we find that many of the Islamic Sciences can be found with those who have deviated from the Salafi Manhaj. Can we study from them?
Q4. The statement of Ibn Seereen “ Indeed this knowledge is deen, so look towards whom you take your religion from”. Does this mean that we also do not take from those whose situation is unknown?
Recorded at The Salafi Centre of Manchester on 12/1/20 and streamed live on SunnahRadio.Net