This is the Second lecture of the “Life of the Prophet” conference in Manchester in January 2020.
Ustaadh Abu Humayd uses Zaadul Ma’aad by ibn Qayyim with the explanation of Shaykh Fawzaan
Points of benefit
- Why did Allah choose Muhammad (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace), as messenger?
- There is no way to get success, or to know the good from evil, or know the truth, except through the Messenger
- Shaykh Fawzaan explained the summarised version of this book in 4 years
- It was Summarised by Shaykhul Islaam Muhammad ibn Abdulwahhaab
- The events that occurred during the life of the Messenger are tied to the Aqeedah of the Muslims
- The Salaf only accept the authentic of the Seerah
- There are ahaadeeth found in the book of Sunnah, the musnad books and the Shamaai’l. The most well known is Shamaa’il Muhammadiyyah by Tirmidhi (this was summarised and checked by Shaykh al-albaani).
- One of the earliest books on Seerah is the one by Ibn Ishaaq. This was summarised by ibn Hishaam which is well known.
- This book (zaadul ma’aad) – ibn Qayyim brings points of Aqeedah, Fiqh, Medicine, Linguistics and extracts rulings.
- The prophet participated in 9 military expeditions
- The dealings of the prophet with the pagans depending on the situation of the Muslims and their strengths
- The companions would teach their children, the expeditions of the prophet just as they would teach them a soorah from the Qur’an
- Learning a seerah gives us an appreciation of the context of the Sharee’ah and it’s intents and purposes
- The life of the prophet is a miracle
- Studying the Seerah of the Khulafaa, the rightly guided caliphs.
- We will be asked about the prophet in the grave
Recorded at Salafi Centre of Manchester on 2/2/2020 and streamed live on SunnahRadio.Net