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to whoever learning English,
this is the podcast reading news digest from Quartz Daily Brief!
I am happy to share every episode to you who aim to improve your English and catch up with current movement in the world.
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Let's study English and get the foresight of where we go to .
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※This program is offered by Shiho Fujimaru's solely responsibility for the aim of English study and deepen own understanding social issues.
it is for non profit , only for study purpose.
#英語 #音声配信 #news #internationalnews
Today’s link as a reference
Coronavirus pandemic set to cost Premier League clubs £1bn in 2019-20 - Deloitte
Amazon Won’t Let Police Use Its Facial-Recognition Tech for One Year
IBM exits facial recognition business, calls for police reform
Exactly how the first month of lockdown changed how Brits spend their time