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The patterns of Excess/Heat (shi-re-zheng : 実熱証)
signs : Excess (yang) + Heat (yang)
movement : forceful + fast
pain : intensified by pressure = relieved by cold
tongue : thick moss + red with yellow moss
pulse : full and strong + rapid
The pattern of Deficiency/Heat (xu-re-zheng:虚熱証)
signs : Deficiency(yin ) + Heat (yang)
movement : weak and fragile but fast
pain : relieved by pressure but relieved by cold
tongue : little or no coating but red
pulse : thin but rapid
The pattern of Excess/ Cold (shi-han-zheng: 実寒証)
signs : Excess(yang) + cold (yin)
movement : forceful but slow
pain : unrelieved bye pressure but responds to heat
tongue : thick moss but pale
pulse : tight , work, full, or otherwise strong but slow
The pattern of Deficiency/Cold(xu-han-zheng:虚寒証)
signs : Deficiency (yin) + Cold(yin)
movement : frail/ weak + slow
pain : relieved by pressure + responds to heat
tongue : little or no moss + pale
pulse : empty, thin or otherwise weak + slow