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page 247-253
Patterns of disharmony
Spleen Disharmonies
Spleen rukes transmutation and is the essential focus for the transformative dynamic of Qi in human life.
a) Patterns of Deficient Spleen Qi (pi-qi- xu:脾気虚)
b)Deficient Spleen Yang (pi-yang-xu:脾陽虚)
c) Patterns of Spleen Qi Sinking (pi-qi-xia- xian:脾気下陥)
d)Patterns of Spleen Unable to Govern the Blood (pi-bu-zong-xue:脾不統血)
e)Patterns of Distressing the Spleen (chi-kun-pi:湿困脾)
f)External Dampness Obstructing (wai-shi-zu:外湿湿)
g)Damp Heat Collecting in the Spleen (pi-yun-shi-re:脾蕴湿熱)
h)Patterns of Mucus (tan-zheng痰証)