Dr. Robert Rollinger, a professor of ancient history and ancient Near Eastern studies at the University of Innsbruck, joins Lexie to discuss deconstructing Eurocentrism as a crucial component of understanding ancient cross-cultural interactions, what made an empire and empire in antiquity, and exploring the state of both Achaemenid and ancient studies in general today. We hope you enjoy this episode, and if you like what you hear, please give our show a 5-star rating, and review us on Apple or Spotify.
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Learn more about Dr. Rollinger: https://www.uibk.ac.at/alte-geschichte-orient/institut/team/univ-prof_mag_dr_robert_rollinger.html.en
Find his publications on Academia: https://uibk.academia.edu/RobertRollinger
Recorded & edited by Lexie Henning, original music by Brent Arehart, and artwork by Hadley Leasman.