Dr. Jake Nabel, a professor of Classics at Pennsylvania State University, joins Lexie to discuss and provide a short introduction to the Parthian empire and who we should know, the unique challenges to studying the Parthians (since most texts are from the Greeks and Romans), and why the Parthians are often left out of modern media and how we can start to change that. We hope you enjoy this episode, and if you like what you hear, please give our show a 5-star rating, and review us on Apple or Spotify.
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Learn more about Dr. Nabel: https://cams.la.psu.edu/people/jtn5201/
Find Dr. Nabel’s publications on his Academia page: https://pennstate.academia.edu/JakeNabel
Follow Dr. Nabel on Twitter: https://twitter.com/JakeNabel
Recorded & edited by Lexie Henning, original music by Brent Arehart, and artwork by Hadley Leasman.