When repaying debt, it helps to know how big it is. The same holds for technical debt. The problem is: how do you measure it? Today we talk with
Daniel Okwufulueze, a technology leader, programming polyglot, writer, and senior engineer at
dunnhumby. Daniel helps us define technical debt and tells us how to quantify it without falling into usual pitfalls while doing so. When you finish listening to the episode, make sure to connect with Daniel on
LinkedIn and check out his writings at
Mentioned in this episode:
Daniel on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/dokwufulueze/
Daniel on media.com at https://medium.com/@DOkwufulueze
Dunnhumby at https://www.dunnhumby.com
M.M. Lehman, L.A. Belady, Program Evolution, Processes of Software Change at http://informatique.umons.ac.be/genlog/BeladyLehman1985-ProgramEvolution.pdf
Code Climate at https://codeclimate.com