#295 Guy welcomed Lawrence Edwards back in the show. He discussed the journey of spiritual awakening and the soul's evolution in this podcast episode.He emphasized the importance of adding fullness to life rather than getting rid of the finite aspects. Lawrence shared insights on the hero's journey, shedding limitations, and the pursuit of knowing the divine within. He highlighted the significance of surrender, intense practice, and the presence of divine support in spiritual growth. Lawrence also touched on the concept of dharma, living in alignment with the highest wisdom, and the motivation to uplift all beings. The episode concluded with Lawrence encouraging listeners to walk the path of higher wisdom and empowerment in everyday life. About Lawrence: Lawrence Edwards is a neurotherapist, psychotherapist, and an expert in Kundalini Awakening, our innate power of Consciousness that creates the highest order of transformation and revelation. This power is the foundation of all yogic, mantra and meditation practices. Lawrence is regarded by many as a modern mystic known for his love of the Divine. He is unusual in this field because he has a deep grounding in both Eastern and Western traditions, and applies them both to his work with Kundalini. His personal, direct, life-long experience of the extraordinary power and grace of Kundalini are reflected in his writings, teaching and poetry. His experiences began early in life and he says Kundalini's grace continues to be the essence of his life. Lawrence is the president of The Kundalini Research Network, as well as the founder of a Kundalini support website, KundaliniSupport.org. He is the founder and director of the Anam Cara Foundation and a contributing author to the Sounds True anthology Kundalini Rising: Exploring the Energy of Awakening. Lawrence has practiced and taught meditation for over 46 years and has been on the faculty of New York Medical College since 1998. He is the author of the critically acclaimed book on Kundalini, The Soul's Journey: Guidance From The Divine Within and Kali's Bazaar. He leads retreats on the Mysteries of the Divine Feminine and Awakening Kundalini. Key Points Discussed:
How to Contact Lawrence Edwards:
About me:My Instagram: www.instagram.com/guyhlawrence/?hl=en
Guy's websites:www.guylawrence.com.au www.liveinflow.co''