Peter had an NDE (near-death experience) whilst ice-climbing. He recounts the whole story, along what happened when he died, and how he adjusted to life after the whole experience. My jaw was open for most of this conversation, and it will certainly leave you wondering in awe of this magical experience we call life. Enjoy! About Peter: Global Audible Best-Selling Author of Heaven Is Beautiful: How Dying Taught Me That Death Is Just The Beginning, entrepreneur and ordained pastor, Rev. Peter Baldwin Panagore, MDiv, broadcast for fifteen years (2006-2018) for a daily two-minute spot on two NBC TV stations with Daily Devotions (brand) just before the morning’s weather. Storytelling, communicator, public speaker, pastor, and storyteller, Peter had thirty million views annually on TV (Nielsen Ratings) and uncounted listeners on FM and AM across Maine and New Hampshire, and around the nation. Peter graduated from Yale University where he completed his MDiv with a focus on the practices and writings in the classics of western mysticism. My website: Retreats: