About Vinney: At the age of 25, Vincent Tolman was found dead in the bathroom of a small restaurant. He had been dead for over half an hour. He was later revived out of a bodybag, and he awoke 3 days later from a coma. He will share his beautiful experiences and what he learned about life while he was gone. Key Points Discussed:
- (00:00) - Dead 45 MInutes & Journeyed Through Afterlife.
- (05:39) - Bringing love energy into the world.
- (09:40) - Toxic bodybuilding supplement usage.
- (14:05) - A life review.
- (16:30) - Feeling more alive outside the body.
- (22:42) - Climbing the love ladder.
- (25:12) - Release all prejudice.
- (28:19) - Real place with glowing creations.
- (33:02) - Claustrophobia and soul's size.
- (37:30) - Recognizing a spirit guide.
- (39:18) - The realm of light.
- (44:08) - Struggling with Authenticity.
- (48:15) - Love and vulnerability.
- (52:31) - Recognize your divine worth.
- (55:11) - Light workers and higher consciousness.
How to Contact Vinney Tolman:livinggodslight.com
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