My weakness and need can bless others. "Every weakness in our life is a near occasion of communion." - Fr. Boniface Hicks, OSB.
In this episode, Sr. Mary Grace, Sr. Ann Immaculée, and Sr. Marie Veritas, and Sr. Catherine Joy Marie look at the Gospel of the Fifth Sunday of Lent (Jn 12:20-33), and talk about how Jesus entered into vulnerability and loneliness and made possible a new, profound communion with God and others. When we step into vulnerability together, lifting our eyes to Him, it's unlike any other experience of communion – it becomes the place of deepest friendship. Our prayer widens when we listen to each other. I can be caught up in what I bring forward, but is there space in my life for others to bless me? And will I let both my weaknesses and gifts bless others?
Join us on Mondays for Season 13: Let's Do Lent Together!