Lethal Autonomous Weapons: 10 things we want to know
Paola Gaeta and Marta Bo interview Dr. Ingvild Bode, Associate Professor of International Relations at the University of Southern Denmark, where she leads an ERC research project on autonomous weapons systems and international norms (AUTONORMS). In this episode, she talks about what meaningful human control means and how lessons learned from existing automated systems can guide our understanding of meaningful human control in relation to lethal autonomous weapons.
Ingvild Bode is the author of Meaning-less human control: Lessons from air defence systems on meaningful human control for the debate on AWS (with Tom Watts, 2021) and ‘The future of remote warfare? Artificial intelligence, weapons systems and human control’ (with Hendrik Huelss) in A. McKay, A. Watson, & M. Karlshøj-Pedersen (Eds.), Remote warfare: Interdisciplinary perspectives, 218-233 (E-International Relations Publishing, 2021).
For more information on the Lethal Autonomous Weapons and War Crimes research project, visit our website https://lawsandwarcrimes.com