Let’s Combinate – Combining Drugs and Devices
On this episode, I was joined by Peter Birch, CEO and Host of Talking HealthTech. Peter walks through:
- Talking HealthTech Podcast with 350+ Episodes - HealthTech Innovation in Australia
- Audience building - Peter/TH's Creative Process for Podcasting (2/3/4 episodes per week)
Peter Birch is Founder and CEO of Talking HealthTech - a podcast and membership community to learn and connect about technology in healthcare. In addition, Pete is a director of the Medical Software Industry Association (MSIA) who are the voice of healthcare software vendors in Australia, and also director of MetaOptima Technology who are helping clinicians diagnose skin cancer using artificial intelligence. He is also on the NSW State Committee for the Australasia Institute of Digital Health, and is a NSW State Facilitator for the Australian Clinical Entrepreneurs Program (AUSCEP). He holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA), is a Certified Health Informatician (CHIA), and also a Certified Practicing Accountant (CPA).