On this SpoOoOoky Halloween episode we learn about a slew of truly spooky frogs, investigate which animal has the most bones, and see how capitalism may have led to the rise of witch hunts!
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We also learn about: fluorescence, dinosaur eating frogs (technically), CAN A SPIDER EAT A DINOSAUR??? (NOT CLICKBAIT), frog shazam, Ella learns to love the Freddy Krueger Frog, wishing you a happy bones day, evo-devo, deregionalization, how would antlers wear pants?, the origin of gossip, down with capitalism!
Horror frog breaks own bones to produce claws
Frogs with Claws, Frogs with Hair
New pumpkin toadlet species found
How the Newly Discovered, Mud-Loving ‘Zombie’ Frog Got Its Name
Skeletal Structure, University of Idaho
Skeleton, Postcranial, Rommel & Reynolds
Axial patterning in snakes and caecilians, Woltering et al.
From Lizard to Snake; Behind the Evolution of an Extreme Body Plan, Woltering