What are the benefits of reintroducing a species after 400 years? Why do we make rats solve mazes, and can slime molds solve mazes? What is ASMR, and how did it become such a thing?
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We also learn about: Beavery introductions, vanilla flavor usually isn’t castorium, beavers support everyone in the wetlands, Tom’s gonna make a joke, The Scottish Beaver Trial, impatient beavers, international legal beaver issues, failed reintroductions are beautiful, auto sound mmm rad, autonomus sensory meridian response, her royal majesty’s asmr, and Ella’s favorite ASMR videos.
RSPB on Beaver Reintroductions
Scottish Wildlife Trust Report on Beavers in Knapdale
Scottish Wild Land Group on the Tay Beavers
Short-haired Bumblebee Reintroductions
Berger-Tal on Openness about Failed Reintroductions
Conservation Translocations: a Review of Common Difficulties and Promising Directions
Willard Small's First Rat Maze Study
Maze Solving Using Fatty Acid Chemistry
Advanced Morris Water Maze Study
Wire Interview with Mycologist Anne Pringle
The First Dedicated Whispering Channel
BBC Interview with Whispers Red
ASMR to Help you Sleep Beating you Until your Unconscious
1300s AD ASMR - Nun Takes Care of You in Bed (You Have the Plague)