Ubuntu 17.10 Begins Transition To GNOME Shell Desktop By Default — Those downloading the very latest Ubuntu desktop ISO of 17.10 "Artful Aardvark" for testing will find that it now boots to the GNOME Shell desktop and also provides an option for running GNOME on Wayland.
Ubuntu Switching to GDM — We’ve made the decision to switch to using GNOME Display Manager (GDM) instead of LightDM.
Ubuntu Works with GNOME to Improve HiDPI Support — Canonical is playing host to a ‘fractional scaling hackfest‘ in its’ Taipei offices this week. Both GNOME developers and Ubuntu developers are in attendance, ready to wrestle with
Lubuntu 17.10 Will Likely Launch with LXQt & LXDE Spins — Lubuntu maintainer and LXQt developer Simon Quigley is reporting on some of the upcoming highlights of the Lubuntu 17.10 (Artful Aardvark) operating system, due for release later this year on October 19, 2017.
GPG fundraiser — To continue supporting and improving GnuPG, we, the main GnuPG developers, are soliciting donations from the general public. Our primary goal is to raise 15 000 euros per month to fully fund 3 developers; our stretch goal is twice that, 30 000 euros per month.