Lisa Harper’s Back Porch Theology
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During today’s conversation on Back Porch Theology we’re stepping into some seemingly foreboding biblical territory that we’ve yet to venture into on this podcast, which is the Old Testament book of Daniel. If Daniel was on a geographical map, it’d probably be punctuated with huge mountains and treacherous rivers and volcanos because Daniel is one of the more complex books of Holy Writ. It takes place during a very tumultuous time period in Israel’s history, when many of the Southern Jews were swept away into captivity in Babylon, where young Daniel is soon catapulted from slave to sage because of his God-given ability to interpret the King’s nightmares. Daniel’s story ultimately spans the time-period of several Babylonian kings and includes sorcery, fiery furnaces, man-eating lions, mental illness, and an attempted coup or two. To call it a drama is a massive understatement! Plus, the book of Daniel includes lots of prophecy regarding God’s people, as well as an overarching eschatological – or “end time” – theme so it can be a unwieldy booger to interpret, much less figure out how it applies to Christ followers today. Which is why we’ve enlisted the help of our dear friend, Kristin Brewer, who co-wrote the production of Daniel for the Sight and Sound Theatre, which has just recently been released to movie theatres across the nation. So please grab your Bible, a beverage, and a tub of popcorn and come join us on the porch for a deep dive into the breathtaking adventure of Daniel, featuring the never-ending faithfulness of our Creator Redeemer!