Learn more about The Promise and Power of Easter here.
During today’s conversation on Back Porch Theology – which is the very first episode of our second season so please forgive Ally, Dr. Howard and me if we sound gob-smacked with grateful joy but we just can’t help it because we’re over the moon that we get to continue this adventure with y’all - we’re going to begin an 8-week series that revolves around our Redeemer so we’re calling it “Wild About Jesus.” We’re gonna put the “Christ” into “Christocentric” baby! Now for those of you who’ve just recently joined this spiritual shindig, please know our goal here on Back Porch Theology is to dive into substantive biblical exegesis and spiritual formation but not be too stuffy in the process. That’s why we call it Back Porch Theology – because while you can hang with your friends on the front porch, those places tend to be all neat and tidy in light of their visibility to neighbors and passersby. But the Back Porch is a place where you can totally relax with your closest friends and talk and rock to your heart’s content. Plus, remember the Greek root words of theology are theos, which refers to God, and logos, which refers to words or conversation. So theology was never meant to be a boring, academic pursuit, it was meant to be lived! The bottom line is, here at BPT we’re all about having honest, biblically sound conversations about God, punctuated by lots of stories and a belly laugh or two - it's a pretty safe place to learn more about our Creator Redeemer and hopefully lean more fully into your relationship with Him. So please grab a cup of coffee and your Bible – unless you’re driving or cutting your own bangs, of course – and come hang out on the porch with us!
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Back Porch Theology Goes Home-Christian Tour to Israel-March 21-31, 2023