A short, punchy novel that, according to Goodreads, "finally puts the 'pissed' back into epistolary." Dear Committee Members gives a full look into the late middle-age life of one Jason Fitger. Fitger is the professor of creative writing and literature at Payne University, a small Midwest university that treats its Economics staff like royalty but its English faculty like dinosaurs who have stayed far past their extension. In the twilight of his career, he is facing regrets, both romantically and professionally. These frustrations he percolates into a brewing hot cup of sarcasm, pettiness, and reflection through a series of never-ending letters of recommendation that he is tasked with writing by his peers and students. According to the author, our protagonist is like a Quixote figure — lacking common sense and personal and diplomatic skills but continuing to fight. It is the perfect book for people who watch reruns of Frasier on HULU. The theme this week: How to Write a Letter. Enjoy! ... Find Alexis and Kari online: Instagram — www.instagram.com/litsocietypod/; Twitter — twitter.com/litsocietypod; Facebook — www.facebook.com/LitSocietyPod/; and our website www.LitSocietyPod.com. Get in on the conversation by using #booksanddrama.