Literary Treks: A Star Trek Books and Comics Podcast
Leonard McCoy: Frontier Doctor.
When we first saw Dr. McCoy in Star Trek: The Motion Picture, he was rocking an amazing beard and an awesome medallion that left us wondering what he’d been up to since we last saw him in “Turnabout Intruder.” In this episode of Literary Treks we reel in those missing years as we explore all four issues of John Byrne’s comic series Leonard McCoy: Frontier Doctor.
In our news segment we explore strange new worlds of crafting with the Star Trek Cross-Stitch book, remember our favourite TNG moments with the upcoming Star Trek Classic Quotes: The Next Generation edition, and speculate on HIVE #4. We also delve into Star Trek Ongoing #17 and discuss the newly revealed backstory to the Abramsverse incarnation of Dr. McCoy.