Here are the topics covered in this episode, and the time in the file for each. Welcome to 228 0:00 Pneuma Solutions arrives on Mastodon 1:26 A reality check on Bluesky 3:00 Those dreadful e-scooters, a Canadian perspective 23:57 the police's engagement with blind people 35:37 Jenny Axler from HIMS responds to recent feedback 39:21 Extremely sluggish ZoomText 54:29 Hints on NVDA and Braille 1:01:51 Shelly Brisbin discusses her latest edition of iOS Access for All and Apple-related things 1:09:58 The VarioUltra is still around 1:55:47 M13 CHAP=Wanting recommendations for fitness resources for the blind 1:56:56 Closing and contact info 2:00:44