Hi Mosen at Largers. We hope you're keeping safe and well. We have another busy podcast for you this week as we prepare for Mushroom FM's 10th birthday celebrations, in which you can participate in several ways. On the show this week:
COVID-19 in New Zealand,1:05.496
iPhone XR very sensitive,2:27.891
Send in your Mushroom FM memories for our special podcast next week,3:10.456
You can still register for Mushroom FM's virtual music festival Mushroomstock,5:25.995
The iPhone SE second generation explained,6:51.924
What's old is new again,21:54.949
Feedback on the new TalkBackBraille keyboard,25:29.116
JAWS in the workplace and laptop layout,28:47.851
Zoom Cloud Meetings audio,31:08.694
CleanFeed is an incredible service for live and recorded audio,37:54.541
Microphone for iPhone mxlmm130 review,41:39.228
Finding inspiration to keep job hunting during a crisis,43:49.803
COVID-19 inAustinTX,49:38.037
New iPhone SE has dual SIM,51:07.060
Update from Madrid,52:47.620
Follow-up to Zoom Cloud Meetings question,58:51.005
Zoom F6 portable recorder,59:41.871
YouTube music on iOS and Sonos,1:05:18.197
Fighting COVID-19 in South Korea, see this Guardian article,1:07:23.842
Bluetooth speakers and VoiceOver for iOS,1:09:16.133
The Bonnie Bulletin begins with a COVID-19 update,1:12:00.404
Note taker options,1:14:59.128
Job hunting in this difficult economy,1:17:05.981
Typewriters and telex machines,1:23:33.756
Running a personal blog,1:29:10.051
The Optacon is technology that has never really been improved upon,1:30:57.528
Focus Blue 5th generation stand-alone,1:33:37.756
COVID-19 brings an end to The Archers 69-year streak,1:35:48.115
Get your contributions in for our special Mushroom FM 10th birthday episode,1:38:51.650