Kia ora Mosen At Largers. I’ve had a lot of requests to produce this, so here it is, a tutorial, review and demonstration of Clubhouse, the audio social network, from a blindness perspective. This podcast is segmented by chapters to help you navigate it if you’re learning about how to use it. Please note that Clubhouse is in beta and changing rapidly, but this is a snapshot of how the app looked as of publication in late February 2021. In this episode: Introduction and navigation of this episode,0:00 What is Clubhouse?,1:20 How do you get ontoClubhouse?,7:15 A Quick tour of the hallway,9:03 The Explore screen,16:42 The Invite Friends screen,28:42 The Bulletin screen,29:07 Scheduling and sharing an event,36:53 The Activity screen,43:36 More on configuring your profile and notifications,45:34 Starting a room. Rooms and clubs explained,50:01 Concluding thoughts. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats,55:20 Direct from a Clubhouse event, some blind people share their impressions of the platform,1:03:49 Angie Matney,1:10:01 Gary ODonoghue,1:14:36 Michael Babcock,1:18:49 Bonnie Mosen,1:23:27 Geno J,1:25:55 Michael Lauf,1:31:22 Kenny No,1:34:31 Closing announcement and contact info,1:39:07