Living in Abundant Joy with Claudia Klann
Season 1, Episode 17
Finding God in Your Brokenness to Discover He is Everything. An interview with Author Gretchen Rodriguez.
Gretchen Rodriguez learned as a very young girl that God was her place of safety and sanctuary. Though the years of joy and disappointments, Gretchen built a trust and love relationship with Jesus that led her to become the writer for all of The Passion Translation devotionals, 6 books so far. In this honest and vulnerable interview, Gretchen shares the secrets to her intimacy with Jesus as the way to find peace and freedom:
Visit Gretchen’s website for more information. Sign up for her new devotional writing e-course called EXHALE. Listeners of this podcast will receive $10 off through May 2020.
Purchase Gretchen's Devotionals HERE
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