Thank you to the sponsor of today's episode, StrumClub! Head over to to book your free music lesson.If you ever go to a rock show, there's a good chance you'll come out of it wanting to start a band. In today's silly story, that is exactly what happens to Smith and his three best friends. But when Smith's mother gives him a nearly 100 year old musical instrument to use, he has to decide how to break it to his band that their drummer will actually be playing an instrument that looks as though it had been stolen from an alien spaceship.Warning: This goofy story for kids may result in smiles, snorts, and possibly even some LOLs. Listen at your own discretion.MERCH! You asked for it, so we made it. Visit our
Merch Store to check out our apparel, stickers, buttons, and more!*Sorry, we are not accepting new requests for shout-outs right now.
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