Tune in to this episode of 'Lost in Roshar' as we dive into Dalinar's blast into the past and the always fashionable Adolin. We hope you enjoy our in-depth reread discussion of The Way of Kings, chapters 18-19 and discover the wonders that await within the pages of Brandon Sanderson's epic fantasy saga.
0:00 Jimmy’s taking over!
3:25 Bookstores and bookshelves
7:40 TWOK is a slow burn
9:55 POTW The biggest wildcard in Stormlight
16:58 Part of Stormlight 5 is hand written
19:20 Chapter 18/19 summary
21:45 Cosmere Midnight Essence
22:47 Cool foreshadowing and we eventually remember who Kadash is
29:00 Christian’s lore rabbit hole
34:00 Renarin and Dalinar
37:53 How mad was Gavilar?
42:11 Chapter 19
43:55 How do the visions work?
47:00 Foreshadowing and Re-Shephir
50:30 Who are the three Gods?
52:10 Honor isn’t speaking to Dalinar
57:00 Rosharian history is nuts
1:00:00 Clarity of hindsight