Tune in to this episode of 'Lost in Roshar' as we look back at The Way of Kings and tally up the results from you, the listeners! Awards will be handed out, winners will be celebrated and we will close the chapter that is, The Way of Kings. Join us and discover the wonders that await within the pages of Brandon Sanderson's epic fantasy saga, The Stormlight Archive.
0:00 Looking back at TWOK
8:07 Sanderson update + How we’ll read Wind and Truth
13:06 The Coppermind is amazing
16:26 Welcome to the TWOK awards!18:08 Favourite main character POV21:53 Favourite interlude chapter
23:52 Favourite theory from the podcast
27:20 Favourite Sanderlanche moment
29:09 Favourite NON-Sanderlanche scene
32:11 Saddest scene
34:13 Best antagonist
35:41 Most satisfying moment
37:07 Most meme-able character moment
40:08 Best part of Lost in Roshar
42:39 Dream guest for Lost in Roshar
46:22 Did you reread with us?
48:31 Where do people listen to the pod?
51:46 Off to Warbreaker next week!