Tune in to this episode of 'Lost in Roshar' as we continue our first road trip to Nalthis, the land of Awakeners, Returned and BioChromatic Breath in Warbreaker! Join us and discover the wonders that await within the pages of Brandon Sanderson's epic fantasy saga, The Stormlight Archive.
0:00 We aren’t used to covering this many chapters!
4:23 Our new hobbies tangent
9:51 Sanderson update: Cosmere theme park?12:38 Sports in the Stormlight Archive
17:51 PoTW: Best aspect of Warbreaker20:40 Michael Moorcock endorses Warbreaker
22:18 Is Hallandren similar to Shinovar?
23:43 Sanderson’s Warbreaker annotations are fantastic
27:52 Discussing the character arcs in this section
33:35 Lightsong the Bold
40:07 A story of reversals
43:22 Siri, Susebron and the upcoming ending
45:32 Spanreed 1: Lightsong and Hoid theory
47:48 Spanreed 2: Is Hoid aware of his creator?
50:51 Hoid in Warbreaker (ALL cosmere spoilers + SP5)
58:10 One more week and then Words of Radiance!